Thursday, June 20, 2013

What The?!

So ... amongst my random googling this morning ... As you do .... Well maybe I am the only one ...  I came across a US company that sells RANDOM lollipops : Lollyphile! ....

Amongst strolling through their website ... I came across this new little beauty of theirs ... or random beauty whatever you may want to call it ... I call it the What the f*** were they thinking pop!! lol Turns out they let us know exactly what they were thinking!!!

"So what's happening is that suddenly it seems as though a lot of our friends are having babies. And since some of us are confectioners, we felt it was our responsibility to find out just what this flavor was that could turn a screaming, furious infant into a placid, contented one. Surely the flavor must be heavenly, yes?

We are endlessly grateful to all the mothers who kept sharing their breast milk with our flavor specialists until we were able to candify it. These lollipops won't bring back childhood memory; they'll bring up animal instinct. Quite possibly the most inherently satisfying flavor of all time. 
(ps there's no actual breast milk in these. they're vegan! omg the armies of pumping women.)"

So if you want a good laugh... or are entirely intrigued, like I was ... Head on over and check em out!!! Do you think these will catch on?! I think it is slightly strange .. but I am sooo tempted to order some!! lol


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Trust Method!!

So meals times in our house are pretty STRESSFUL!!  With Boogies sensory processing disorder being our biggest demon... I have been lost for the last few years ... and now we are found!!! Stumbled across a group on facebook called Mealtime Hostage and the lady is AMAZING!!!  There are a couple of specialists that post from time to time and we have been trying the trust method ... presenting his food buffet style on the table ... and providing 2 safe items on the table ... which they can be 1 food and 1 drink!! and everything else is a try it out food ... 

I must say a couple of goes in and it is helping us to see a HUGE difference at the dinner table ...  To quote sky;

"Learning to trust your child with eating is a process that involves letting go of everything you've been taught and told about eating and feeding your family. Understand that as the parent, you have to trust this process too, and not allow your fears and worries put pressure on your child to eat.

The goal here is not to teach your child to eat a wide variety of foods. The goal is to teach your child to enjoy eating. Once your child enjoys eating, they will naturally explore different foods from different food groups all on their own and in their own time."

She is amazing!!! And we wouldn't be making leaps and bounds without her advice... Last night (buffet style) we had hot chips on the table ... corn beef ... spicy chicken rice .. gravy .. creamed potatoes and a couple of pineapple fritters (which I knew he wouldn't eat as it is slimy) But he surprised me!!! Put a little bit of everything but the cream potatoes on his plate and even had 2 bites of pineapple fritter albeit dipped in gravy ... But who cares!!!!!!! Wooooooooohoooooooooooooo!!! This may seem like a little deal to all you mummies with perfect eaters ... but to me it was like seeing the most amazing circus for the first time ... I couldn't stop smiling last night ... there was no way you were going to wipe it off my face .... As a happy reward we went and grabbed a scoop of ice cream (yes tight ass tuesday scoops) at Baskin Robbins!!!

One happy mummy and Boogie today!!! Have you had any recent successes with your little ones eating?? Is there something they really really hate?? Would love if you shared?! xx